Sunday 29 April 2012

Storm winds and rain in Henley

After the gales and heavy rain of 28th April the boat managed to pull one of the concrete mooring bollards out ! Now replaced and re-roped and chained up.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Marlow lock

After going from Harleyford to Bourne End to fill up with £245 of Diesel we headed back through Marlow and up to Henley.  Another cold windy and rainy day....

Friday 13 April 2012

Purchase day

One hour after purchase we took the boat down from Harleyford to Marlow and picked up some Marlow rugby reprobates from the end of Peter Street.  The sun was shining and the river beautiful, since then its been raining !
Paul H sleeping after too much beer and Darrin on the phone again.
Boat only just fits under Marlow bridge
Gingerly trying to collect passengers with the wier behind

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Launch at Harleyford

Launch Date 10th April 2012.
After being out of the water for nearly 18th months the Boat looks much more happy to be back in the water where it belongs.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Cars and Boats

Over twenty years ago we purchase Herrison and my beloved Mk1 white Golf
It took twenty years, but a bigger boat and Merc now

In another twenty years, when I'm, old I'll buy Darrin's Bently